Our Journey to Hope


Saturday, May 06, 2006

The Famous Silk Market of Beijing!

If you ever get a chance to visit the Silk Market -
it is an unforgettable experience! Not to mention the great bargins you can find, and the fun you will have finding them!
Beijing is such a colorful exciting city. We are making many wonderful memories to share with Hope in the years to come. We are understanding how important it is for our daughter, for us to experience the culture of China, and to share as much of it as we can with her.

Tired Drivers

"Boy I am tired, I hope this guy doesn't want a ride!"

Need a ride?

We considered taking a ride on one of these - but ended up going with a cab. Good thing, as it turns out. We would have been late for dinner.

RV ???

Grand Hotel Beijing

Another Beijing Restaurant

Dinner with our travel group

Kelly being served tea with our travel group at dinner.

After dinner - glad we didn't miss it

When we got back from the Silk Market we couldn't get into our room because I had the room key next to my cell phone and it messed up the code. It was really a God thing because when we headed down to the front desk to get it fixed, we got in the eleavtor with another couple who was also from the states. Turns out they were part of our travel group. (We had been alone in Beijing since Wed. and were to meet up with the group sometime today)They were going down to the lobby to meet the rest of the group and our guide and go out for dinner. We almost missed the whole meeting! This picture was
taken after dinner, which was very good by way!