Our Journey to Hope


Thursday, May 18, 2006

It's 1 am Friday morning as I post this. We are all packed and ready to leave here at 8:30 am to fly to Hong Kong and then at 5:45 to O'Hare. This will be our last post from China. I am both excited about coming home but also sad to be leaving China. To understand it you need to experiance it. If you would have told me 2 years ago I would be in China and in lovewith it I would have told you your crazy. We get into O'hare at 7 something Friday night. Hope is saying good bye and see you soon. I will catch everyone up on the rest of our journey after I recover from sitting 14 hours in a plane and not getting any sleep tonight , that might take a few days. Good bye from China and God Bless everyone who has help to make this trip possible.