Our Journey to Hope


Saturday, May 13, 2006

Isn't this a sweet picture? Hope is trying to catch a bubble. We were playing in an area that was about 20 foot square in front of the man eating elevators. (Thats right man eaters. When the doors opened you had 2 seconds to get in or hold the button. ) Anyway....sometimes she just needed to get out of our room, but not be around alot of people.

Baba playing bubbles with Hope.

Mama feeding Hope.

My beautiful girls out with Baba an a Saturday night.

Come on Baba, lets go.

This right before the two girls started the mob action. You can see how busy it is. This is at about 10 pm.

Hope in the spot light.

Center of attention

We went out Saturday night for a walk. We ended up in Downtown Nanning. The place was hopping. The streets and sidewalks were packed. We stop to wait to cross the street and these two teenage girls stopped to say hi Hope. All the people you see in the picture stopped also. There must have been 40 people all around us wanting to see Hope, pat her little checks, trying to use the little English they knew. It was very touching.

Did I dial it right??

We called Zach and ask Hope to say hi to her gogo (big brother) . Oh my gosh. She went on talking to him for five minutes. She would say hello hello gogo. It was so funny. When Zach would say something to here she would look at the phone and then respond. She was laughing and rolling around in the bed. Zach was cracking upon the other side. We can’t wait for brother and sister to meet. Zach we miss you, we love you and we will all be together soon.

She had us in stiches.

Hope is really enjoying her conversation with her
"gogo" big brother, Zach!